Baia Domizia is an amazing Coast between Rome and Naples.

From Rome or from Naples you can arrive there by train or by car

You can rent a car in Rome or Naples airports, if you want to visit the coast, the Reggia di Caserta or Pompei

Hotel Marina Club Baia Domizia

Via dell’Erica, 81030 Baia Domizia CE


From the Airport Roma Fiumicino go to ROMA TERMINI STATION

You have to take the train until Sessa Aurunca station. There’s a train every hour 

From Naples Airport go to NAPLES CENTRAL STATION

You have to take the train until Sessa Aurunca station. There’s a train every hour

You can buy your ticket on the official site TRENITALIA.COM


Once in Sessa Aurunca station there will be a shuttle until the Hotel


E’ possibile prenotare la navetta entro e non oltre il 1 Maggio. Per questioni oraganizztive non sarà possibile effettuare alcuna eccezione.

It is possible to book the shuttle no later than May 1st. For organizational reasons it will not be possible to make any exceptions.

É possível reservar o transporte até 1º de maio. Por razões organizacionais não será possível abrir exceções.

From Sessa Aurunca station To Marina Resort

  • Thursday May, 30th
    • h 16:45
    • h 17:40
    • h 18:40
    • h 19:40
    • h 21:00


From Marina Resort To Train Station

  • Monday, June 3rd
    • h 05:30
    • h 06:10
    • h 08:30
    • h 09:30
    • h 10:40
    • h 11:15

>> Book your shuttle here <<
